Home Fighting Fraud Special Investigations Unit

Special Investigations Unit

Tools for understanding Special Investigations Units and their role in fighting work comp fraud

Foggy Memory Leads to Criminal Charges

A 50-year-old woman in California claimed to injure her back, hip, and neck as a result of falling while descending a ladder at work. A workers' compensation claim was filed....

Top Three Reasons Employees Commit Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Creating the right work environment can help employers prevent workers’ compensation fraud. Over the years, workers have fallen prey to unlawful solicitors for unscrupulous providers who make false promises...

Don’t Wrestle with the Law

In 2019, an HVAC installer alleged a fractured finger from tightening a valve at work, which he initially reported to his employer that same day. A few hours later, he...

Florida Truck Driver Charged with Two Felonies

One year after being terminated from his job with an ICW Group policyholder, a Florida truck driver filed a workers' compensation claim for an alleged hernia he sustained two...

All I Want for Christmas is a Security Camera

Surveillance can play a pivotal role in a workers’ compensation claim investigation.  Whether it's performed by the insurance company or captured by a business’ internal cameras, surveillance can help...
ICW Group's image of files labeled Fraud and Investigations.

Up Before Sunrise

In the early hours of the morning, it is not uncommon for ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit to be working. Fraud schemes are often complex. Inherently, they are puzzles...

How Employers Can Help Fraud Surveillance Efforts

Surveillance can be a powerful tool in the defense of questionable and potentially fraudulent insurance claims. Like all tools, however, it's most useful when implemented at the appropriate time, under...

Useful Fraud Training Resources a Click Away

The best way to prevent fraud is to prevent the injury from occurring in the first place. A commitment to the safety of your employees not only reduces the likelihood...

Surveillance Reveals Machine Operator’s Scheme

A 37-year-old machine operator claimed to have sustained injuries to multiple body parts while working for one of ICW Group's customers in Southern California. Based upon no report of...

Delivering an Exaggerated Account

A Kentucky-based delivery truck driver reported multiple body parts were injured when another vehicle hit the rear of her heavy-duty truck, ultimately causing a crack to the truck’s bumper....