How Employers Can Help Fraud Surveillance Efforts

Surveillance can be a powerful tool in the defense of questionable and potentially fraudulent insurance claims. Like all tools, however, it’s most useful when implemented at the appropriate time, under the correct circumstances, and with a clear purpose.  Fraud surveillance assignments should not be “fishing expeditions” or conducted on a whim. In fact, there must always be a degree of articulable suspicion behind why surveillance is being sought. 

Obtaining positive and actionable fraud surveillance results is not easy. ICW Group maintains a select group of dedicated and talented vendor partners that assist in this process. These professionals are consistently top performers in their industry and routinely provide superior results.

How can employers help with surveillance?

There are several operational steps employers can take before a claim is filed that can increase the likelihood of success in surveillance efforts. Actions include the following:

  1. Obtain a copy of the employee’s ID at the time of hire (i.e., Driver’s License, passport, ID card) and take a quality headshot photo of all new hires. 
  2. If your business issues company identification badges, consider refreshing images of employees for their company ID badges on a recurring schedule.
  3. Ensure that you maintain all employees’ current home addresses.
  4. Listen to your employees when they discuss outside interests, hobbies, and activities.
  5. Maintain a confidential whistleblower program through which employees are comfortable reporting questionable behaviors and circumstances.
  6. Be sure to provide your ICW Group Claim Examiner or Special Investigations Unit investigator with information about any known social media accounts.

When used appropriately, surveillance can greatly influence the resolution of the claim. A claimant’s alleged injury may be validated and confirmed, leading to reduced investigative time and expense. A claimant may also be found to be working and/or exceeding their alleged physical limitations. In either situation, positive surveillance will surely help to resolve the claim.

Brian Biggs
Brian Biggs
Brian serves as the Manager of ICW Group’s SIU team. He has been in the industry since 1997 in a variety of roles including Claim Professional, SIU Investigator and SIU Director. Brian has previously been elected President of multiple anti-fraud industry trade organizations and recently was elected Vice-President of the Anti-Fraud Alliance. He has attained more than fifteen professional designations including the CPCU, Certified Insurance Fraud Investigator and Associate in Risk Management. Brian is frequently asked to present at conferences and industry meetings and revels at these opportunities. Brian welcomes the opportunity to speak with anyone, anywhere, anytime about insurance fraud (and all manner of BBQ).

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