The Truth About Back Belts

Whether lifting, pushing, or pulling, manual handling of materials produces stress on the musculoskeletal system, leading to hundreds of thousands of worker injuries annually. The Bureau of Labor Statistics consistently reports sprains, strains, and...

Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Required for California Employers

Workplace violence is a growing concern for both employers and employees. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there are about 2 million victims of workplace violence each year. The National Institute...

Five Common Workplace Accidents and How to Prevent Them

Each June, we celebrate National Safety Month to highlight workplace risks, training resources, and tools to help ensure the safety of ICW Group insureds and their workers.  The most common types of workplace accidents are...

Steps to Help Detect, Deter, and Defeat Work Comp Insurance Fraud

Continuing its position as an industry leader in fighting work comp insurance fraud, ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit recently presented at the 38th Combined Claims Conference in Garden Grove, Calif. The conference attracts hundreds of...

Featured Articles

Safeguard Against Card Skimming Fraud

In an increasingly digital world where financial transactions are conducted with ease, the prevalence of card skimming poses a significant threat to consumers' financial security. Card skimming is a form of fraud that involves...

Cable Guy Caught Double Dipping

State Disability Insurance is designed to provide wage replacement benefits to people unable to work because of a non-work-related injury, illness, or condition. In California, the Employment Development Department (EDD) manages and provides these...

Considerations for our Aging Workforce

A variety of reasons, including COVID-19 and the economy, are causing aging workers to remain in the workforce longer than in the past. As older generations continue working past traditional retirement ages and Gen...

Telemedicine Offers Care When You Need it, Wherever You Need it

ICW Group is proud to offer telemedicine services designed specifically for work-related injuries to our workers’ compensation policyholder customers. Telemedicine services help patients get instant, top-notch medical advice from wherever they are. From check-in...

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Eight Steps Retailers Can Take to Minimize Shrinkage

Stopping or reducing shrinkage in retail is a critical concern for businesses as it directly impacts profitability. Shrinkage refers to the loss of inventory due to factors such as theft, administrative errors, damage, or...

Slip and Fall Fraud Schemes and How to Recognize Them

Slip and fall fraud schemes are deceptive practices where individuals purposely stage or exaggerate accidents in public or private spaces to file fraudulent insurance claims or lawsuits seeking financial compensation. While genuine slip and...

Detecting Deception During an Interview

ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is comprised of experts in fraud investigation and identification. We leverage this expertise to interview parties involved in a questionable workers' compensation claim.  Detecting deception in conversation can be...

Keep Workers on their Feet – Floor Cleaning’s Surprising Impact

When diagnosing a slip-and-fall problem within an organization, various factors may be affecting the level of risk. Floor cleaning, while usually not overlooked completely, is often not given enough attention. Most assess only the...