A gavel, handcuffs and legal paperwork on a desk.

Take a B.I.T.E. Out of Workers’ Comp Fraud

It's a common misconception, but workers' compensation insurance companies do not determine workers' comp fraud. Business owners, employers or workers’ compensation judges also don't determine fraud. In reality, fraud...
Stealing from the cookie jar.

Why Employees Commit Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Why do employees commit workers' comp fraud? The answer...they believe they will get away with it. While we could go deep into the personality types that may be more...

Hiring Scams on the Rise

If the job you're looking for seems too good to be true, there's a chance it may be!  As work-from-home jobs become more popular, scammers are targeting this market...

Aim to Be Fraud Free in 2023

With online shopping revenue quickly approaching $1 trillion in the United States, it's more important than ever to be cautious when making online purchases. The Better Business Bureau (BBB)...

Top Three Reasons Employees Commit Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Creating the right work environment can help employers prevent workers’ compensation fraud. Over the years, workers have fallen prey to unlawful solicitors for unscrupulous providers who make false promises...

Educating the Legal Community About Work Comp Fraud

A key component to fighting fraud is education. Not just educating our policyholders about work comp fraud prevention but also other entities that workers' comp fraud might touch, including...

Work Comp Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training

ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) provides top-tier fraud detection and prevention training for customers through our Work Comp Fraud: Spot It & Stop It! webinar series. Topics range...

Tools Available to Fight Workers’ Comp Fraud in Your Workplace

ICW Group is once again a proud participant in International Fraud Awareness Week, a week dedicated to spreading public awareness surrounding the topic of fraud and what we can...

10 Steps to Workers’ Comp Fraud Prevention

Fraudulent claims can cost your business money, tarnish your company’s reputation, and damage employee morale. ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit offers these 10 steps to help prevent fraudulent workers'...

Deepfake Scam Alert – Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center recently warned employers of a new scam involving “deepfake” technology.   Deepfake technology involves the digital manipulation of video or audio in...