A worker conducting a safety meeting while co-workers listen intently.

The Purpose of a Safety Meeting

Do you sometimes find it difficult to hold your safety meetings on a consistent basis? Do you get push back or questions on your need to have safety meetings...

Prevent Heat Illness with These Steps

Every year in the United States, high heat during the summer leads to injuries, illness, and even death. On average, 89 percent of all work-related deaths have occurred in...

How To Make Your Home Office Feel Good

The Covid-19 pandemic is responsible for a plethora of fundamental societal changes, including work-from-home arrangements. While working from home has its benefits, it reduces an organization’s control over ergonomics....

PPE for Women: One Size Does Not Fit All

Years ago, the women trailblazers working in construction became aware that their Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) did not fit as it should have. Gloves, hard hats, vests, uniforms, masks,...
A gavel, handcuffs and legal paperwork on a desk.

Take a B.I.T.E. Out of Workers’ Comp Fraud

It's a common misconception, but workers' compensation insurance companies do not determine workers' comp fraud. Business owners, employers or workers’ compensation judges also don't determine fraud. In reality, fraud...

How To Conduct Safety Observations That Reduce Injury For The Long Term

Safety observations are a vital part of a proactive safety program. One of the main reasons to conduct safety observations is to understand at-risk and unsafe behavior BEFORE an...

Workers’ Compensation Industry Trends

As 2022 begins to wrap up, I want to reflect on where we are as an industry, discuss current workers' compensation trends, and think about the year ahead. Workers’...