1,800+ Criminal Counts Against Fraudsters

ICW Group’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) would like to take this time to express its sincere appreciation for our fraud-fighting partnership. Helping you detect, deter, and defeat workers’ compensation fraud remains at the core of what we do, and protecting your business is a driving motivator.

Our SIU investigations have led to more than 1,800 criminal counts against fraudsters in the past few years. This is something of which we are all very proud. Fraud impacts us all, and we strive to educate businesses and prevent this ever-present threat.

Fraudsters will continue to evolve, and greed will always tempt, but the steady and well-trained eyes of our customer partners will always serve as our first line of defense. Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for your support. Thank you for entrusting ICW Group as your fraud-fighting partner.

If you suspect fraud, contact us at 855.ICW.FRAUD (429-3728) or via email at fraudunit@icwgroup.com.

Anti-Fraud Team
Anti-Fraud Team
ICW Group's highly-skilled Special Investigations Unit fights every day to help policyholders prevent, detect and fight workers' compensation fraud. Our anti-fraud team offers advice and resources to help keep your business safe.

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